Choosing the Right Type of Fence

3 Ways to Protect Your Wooden Fence From Rot

Wooden fences are beautiful additions in every home's exterior space. They add privacy to the home while giving it a natural, traditional look. However, if you have or are intending to install a wooden fence, you should watch out for rot. There is wet rot, which occurs when the wood is exposed to moisture and dry rot, which is cause by fungus. Whichever the cause, rot devalues wood and reduces its structural integrity, yet it's common to find it in most wood fences. Luckily, there are measures that you can take to protect your fence, maintain its aesthetics and appeal, and extend its durability. Read on to find out.

Choose sturdy wood materials

Not all types of wood make good materials for fencing; therefore, you need to have this in mind when approaching a dealer. Certain kinds of wood are robust enough to resist both dry and wet rot for years. In this regard, consider going for hardwood materials for your fencing. Most softwood fences are vulnerable to inclement weather and will lose their structural integrity after a short period. Some of the best types of wood that you can choose include cedar, redwood, and cypress. You can also go for treated wood such as pine and Douglas fir.

Stain the wood regularly

Wood staining is your best defense against rot. Unlike paint which settles on the surface, stain penetrates the wood fibers. It seals the wood and protects it from moisture both from the soil and the atmosphere. Stain also protects the wood from sun damage and other effects of harsh environmental conditions. Wood staining enhances the structural integrity of the wood and extends its durability. Also, the stain, which is pigmented, adds a rich natural color to the wood and improves its appearance. Consider staining your wooden fence regularly to protect it from rot and to boost curb appeal.

Replace affected wood

Even with proper maintenance, you may find a portion of your wooden fence that's affected by rot. Don't leave it to spread and ruin the rest of the wood. Instead, replace the affected portions with new wood and stain it to prevent damage. If a large part of the fence has been affected and you suspect the quality of the wood could be a contributing factor, it would be good to replace the entire fence. Invest in quality wood that will resist rot and last for decades.

Regular cleaning of the area around your fence is also critical in preventing rot. Ensure that soil and debris do not settle in the wood crevices, as these will encourage rot. Keep away grime and dirt away by regularly washing the fence.

For additional information, contact a fence supply company in your area.